Pregnancy flutters are only for women who are pregnant. If you are not pregnant and believe you have it, it is something else with similar symptoms.
I am about 7-9 weeks prego and today I felt the flutters in my belly. I would have to say yes that you would be able to feel the flutters.
Take a pregnancy test to determine if you're pregnant while on the contraceptve implant. The implant does not affect the results of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is very rare on the contraceptive implant and spotting and flutters are not signs of pregnancy.
A negative pregnancy test means you're not pregnant. Your symptoms are likely due to gas.
Yes! Those flutters or cramps and the low back ache could be signs that your uterus is working on expanding in preparation for growing a baby. The nausea could be from low blood sugar or progesterone production. The irony is, a low back ache and nausea can also be symptoms that menstruation is approaching.
i have had 4 children and mine started fluttering around 10 to 12 weeks.
Anxiety, gas, pregnancy... if you have questions, ask your doctor.
If you are sure you are only 8 weeks then fluttering is most likely gas. Women who have previously been pregnant often feel fetal movement much earlier than in a first pregnancy.
If you are feeling flutters in your tummy you are feeling either two things. 1: You are pregnant and you are feeling the little one or ones kicking and moving around, or 2: You have to take a dump. either way you should spend a few dollars and get a test. I hope this helps.
The symptoms of pregnancy - fatigue, nausea, frequent urination - are nonspecific, and women (and men) may feel them quite often without being pregnant. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.
cause your pregnant
By flutters, do you mean you can feel something in your abdomen? Babies don't really start to move until 16 weeks (ish), but some women say they do feel movement before that. Urine pregnancy tests can give incorrect results. And IUDs aren't 100% effective contraception. Some women still fall pregnant while they have an IUD. If you suspect that you are pregnant, it's important that you go to your doctor straight away. IUDs cause miscarriages and can cause infections if you fall pregnant with the IUD still in your womb. You need to get to a doctor right away so they can do a blood pregnancy test and remove your IUD immediately. This is very important for both your and your potential baby's health/life.
Not yet pregnant