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Women ovulate around 14 days after their last period.

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Q: When do women ovulate and get pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant while on a period?

it is possible to get pregnant while on your period, it depends when you ovulate, i just read that some women ovulate during their period most women ovulate 14 days before their period is due

Can a women get pregnant three weeks after period?

Depending on when you ovulate - yes.

Is there any possible that a women may get pregnant even if they have their first menstrual period?

Yes, you ovulate before you bleed and that is when you get pregnant.

Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.

If you are pregnant do you still ovulate?

Hi No once pregnant You can't ovulate. Your body automatically creates a hold on future eggs being released during pregnancy. Actually many women who are in their 30's have been pregnant and 4 weeks later found out they are having another baby. It is rare but some older women do ovulate during pregnancy.

What cause women to get pregnant?

when woman ovulate and sperm enters her vagina they form zygote and get pregnanant

Can women get pregnant after single day of period?

Yes, you can even get pregnant before the first time you get your period since you ovulate before you start bleeding.

Can you fall pregnant a couple of days before your period?

Pregnancy can accur anytime a women ovulates. A women can ovulate anytime of the month, even if they are on their periods!

How likely are you to get pregnant when ovulating?

Depends on the circumstances of the penis. Was there precum? Maybe. Was there ejaculation? The chances are greater that you get pregnant during your ovulation, but some women get pregnant anytime of the month. well, just think of it this way--when you ovulate is in fact the ONLY time in which you can get pregnant. and it is possible to ovulate at any time.

Do you ovulate even though your already pregnant and what happens to that egg?

No you don't ovulate when you are pregnant the ovum are held back until you are no longer pregnant.

How do you ovulate if already pregnant?

If you ovulate and you're already pregnant, consult your doctor. It will make an interesting case-study.

How soon do you ovulate after pregnancy?

You do not ovulate after pregnancy. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the body naturally stops ovulating and begins the process for creating the pathway for the baby to be born. If women could ovulate during pregnancy, that would mean pregnant women still participating in sex, which some do, could get pregnant, and have a full grown and half grown fetus at the same time. Imagine how complicated birth would be!