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Yes, you can even get pregnant before the first time you get your period since you ovulate before you start bleeding.

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Q: Can women get pregnant after single day of period?
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Can a woman only get pregnant 14 days after her period?

Definitely not. Women differ widely. Some are able to get pregnant as early as the tenth day of their cycle, which actually begins with the first day of their period (not ater the period ends) while others are able to get pregnant still on day 20. In general, most women have their most fertile time between days 12 - 16.

If you had intercourse the day your period was to start can you become pregnant?

yes you can become pregnant any time of the month

Can you back track from your missed period to find out which day it was that you got pregnant?

You would normally count back to your last period and it would be between day 12 and day 14 that you fell pregnant. These are the most common ovulating times for women

Would a woman be pregnant if she had her period for a day?

if you bleed when you are pregnant it doesn't necessarily mean its your period or you have had a miss carriage. a lot of women bleed during pregnancy so you will still be pregnant if it doesn't hurt x

Can yo get pregnant a day after your period?

Yes you can get pregnant the day after your period but it is not a high chance that you will.yes

When is the baby due if you got pregnant on your period?

Typically women do not become pregnant on their periods. However, the baby would be due 9 months from the day the woman became pregnant.

Would I still get pregnant the day after my period?

There is always a chance of getting pregnant anytime of the month. Just because it is the day after your period does not mean you can't get pregnant, you can get pregnant on your period as well.

You started your period the day after conception is there still a possibility of pregnancy?

The day after conception or the day after sex? I know they may sound the same but they are very different. Conception would mean you know you got pregnant that very day. If you had sex and had a period the next day chances are good that you are not pregnant. If after 2 weeks you have any concerns that you could be pregnant, take a test or see your doctor. Some women have normal pregnancies and have their period every month. But most women are not ovulating (fertile) the day before they start their period. Conception normally occurs mid cycle, day 13 or 14 in a 28 day cycle.

Period was 5 days early and lasted 1 day?

Some women experience irregular periods, but if there is a chance you are pregnant, your "period" could actually be spotting.

What day of your period can you get pregnant?

You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period

Can you be pregnant if you had your period for one day?

Possible, but most likely no. Many women have 1 day periods. I often did while on birth control pills. If you don't have a period in your next cycle get a test.

Does it mean you have more chance of being pregnant or less chance if you get your period a day or two after having sex?

There is no chance. If you have your period, you aren't pregnant. Actually, some women have their peroids while being's not that common, but it does happen. You're more than likely not tho'. i had sex and then got my period a day or two later and i am not pregnant