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Some women experience irregular periods, but if there is a chance you are pregnant, your "period" could actually be spotting.

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Q: Period was 5 days early and lasted 1 day?
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If you got your period 5 days early and it only lasted 3 days when you usually have it for 6 to 7 days and you had unprotected sex the last day of your last period and 3 days before and a day before?

there is a possibility. take a test to make sure!

Will my period stop on the 8th day I am freakin out my friend only lasted 7 days and I want it to stop today?

You period can last a few days or over a week and varies woman to woman. Do not worry about your period lasting 8 days if your friends only lasted 7.

What if your period was light and lasted 7 days do you still count from the first day?

Yes, you still count

Having bleeding a week before period is due... implantation bleeding?

i started what seemed to be my period 4 days early it was very light and only lasted 2 days. implantation or just an abnormal period?it was dark red just like a period but it was just a lot shorter, normally i have a 4 day cycle and it was lighter. i took a test but it was negative, possibly i took it too early?

You had a period that lasted 10 days and stopped then 5 days later you got another period which you are still having and you are on day 6 very heavy?

better go see your doctor ASAP !!!!!!

When should you ovulate if you took Clomid on the second day of your period and your period started on the 24th and lasted for three days?

When you ovulate on clomidIt is unusual to start clomid on CD 2. One usually starts on CD 3-5 and then takes one pill a day for 5 days. Ovulation usually occurs 5-9 days after your last pill. So you could ovulate as early as day 11.

Your period was a day late so you took a pregnancy test the next day you started your period it was very heavy and only lasted a day your beasts are very sore and you are getting head aches could you?

that whats happening to me expect my period was 10 days left and only lasted 1 day to this is driving me nuts I really want to know what is going on

If you got your period 5 days early and it only lasted 3 days when you usually have it for 6 to 7 days and you had unprotected sex 3 days before and a day before your period stared can you be pregnant?

Maybe, but my guess is that it was just a shorter period. Not all periods are 6 or 7 days. If you are young and have been only having a period for less than a year or two you will find that they will vary in time and flow. As you age or if you take birth control pills your periods will change.

Is it normal if you started bleeding heavily the day after your implantation day or have you started your period early?

You may of started your period early. All you can do is wait and see if this turns into a normal period. Or do a pregnancy test in a few days time.

Is it normal to get a one day period 3 days early?

More than likely, yes. Each women's period is different.

When is the earliest time you can have bleeding inplantion I am my in later stage of ovulation is this too early?

It takes about five days for the baby to implant in the uterus so if you ovulate early like 1 day after your period has ended you could see bleeding from implant as early as 6 days after you period ended and up to 10 days after your period ended.

If your period is due on monday the 31st day of your cycle when is the earliest you can take an early pregnancy test?

before 4 days of your next period.