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Q: When do woman stop getting their period?
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When a women is pregnant will she stop having her period?

Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.

A old woman to have her periode?

my last period didn't stop

If you have a UTI will that prevent you from getting your period?

No itwill not stop the period , it is there for a another purpose.

Can a mans kidney stone stop a woman from getting pregnant?

No it can not.

What medications are used to stop a woman?

I do not understand your question. What medications are used to stop a woman from what? Ovulating? Having a period? Getting pregnant? ................................................................................................................................... The answer above is not mine I am just fixing it. It is a spacial kind of hormone table that a woman has to take 1-2 times a day which changes a woman's pregnancy sate but if the woman stopped taking the pills her hormones will go back to normal after a month!

What makes a woman have a period for five months non stop?

Non stop period for such a long time is the indication of serious problem.Needs doctors advice.

When they have the period do they stop getting taller?

No. You Still Get Taller Usually.

What are good ways to stop from getting your period monthly?

Get pregnant.

Will my period stop on the 8th day I am freakin out my friend only lasted 7 days and I want it to stop today?

You period can last a few days or over a week and varies woman to woman. Do not worry about your period lasting 8 days if your friends only lasted 7.

Can an IUD be removed if a woman no longer has a period because of the IUD?

you can get the IUD removed when ever you want it pervents you from getting your period

Girlfriend ain't had period since she got pregnant?

Periods stop when a woman is pregnant. Rarely they may stop for other reasons.