Yes a woman that is pregnant will stop having her period, until the baby is born.
yes. You don't get your period when your pregnant. when you first get pregnant though, some women have very light and short periods but that's it.
You will usually stop having your periodif you are pregnant and you will be showing other symptoms such as naseua and cravings.
No. Many women have more then one miscarriage (my sister for example) and have children after that. It doesn't stop your period.
With BCP women can avoid pregnancy by stop having sex... If you stop The Pill and continue having sex, you will most likely get pregnant
No u cannot have your period when your pregnant
Tubal Ligation is when the fallopian tubes are tied, cut, or blocked somehow to stop them from getting pregnant. This does not stop the menstrual cycle as women still ovulate and the uterus lining still plumps and sheds as it would normally.
If a woman is having her period, then she cannot be pregnant. Menstruation is a direct result of "failed fertilization", i.e. the egg (ovum) was not fertilized by a sperm cell. Therefore, women stop having their period when they conceive, since fertilization was successful and the production of ova (eggs) has ceased.
You could be pregnant or in menopause,you could have some hormonal imbalances or be too thin.
in my opinion yes you can because an expert says that when you stop having your period then your maybe to old to be pregnant but if you still have your period then don't even wait just go for it!!
Amennorhea, the medical term for not having your period, can be brought on by unhealthy eating. Many women who are anorexic stop having periods for a while.
She did not get pregnant since she tied tub for ten years. Now she did not get period in one month. she is 45 years old. she will get pregnant?
No there should be no reason for that. See a doctor.