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Hormonal Birth Control is meant to prevent ovulation. If it's working properly, you won't ovulate on birth control.

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Q: When do woman ovulate on 28 day birth control?
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What does it mean if you start you period on day you ovulate?

If your period wasn't due & you're on birth control, then this is break through bleeding. Birth control stops you from ovulating. If you're currently on the 7day break or sugar pills then this is normal.

Can you ovulate the day after your period ends? site says that it is possible to ovulate the day after pregnancy and that it is not accurate to say women ovulate 14 days after their period. Every woman is different and they ovulate at different times.

I tnk i might be pregnant. I had intercourse on Dec 4th which was the last day of my period. Im on birth control but around Thanksgiving i missed a day and took it the next morning. I?

If I read this right you aren't pregnant. Missing one day birth control won't do it. You would have to miss more than one. If you want to figure out when you ovulate keep a calendar. With a 28 day cycle you will ovulate right around day 14 and will be able to get pregnant to about day 20. Since you are on birth control you don't have to worry. For years I took birth control pills and then hormones for both I got up every morning and the first thing I did was take my pills. If you set a routine for your self you will be less likely to forget.

Does taking two pills at once three times a day help you ovulate when your period is delayed?

No, taking birth control pills is designed to prevent ovulation, not induce ovulation.

If you forgot to take birth control one day and took two the next day and that same day had unprotected sex can you be pregnant?

I would not worry about it. Theoretically you can pregnant depending on the week you forget to take bc. But I know stories of people that stop taking birth control and don't ovulate for months! Think about all the pills they forgot.

How fertile is a woman immediately after her period?

How fertile a woman is after menstruation depends on the woman and on her menstrual cycle. During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to ovulate on day 14 and can be fertile between days 7-16 - if a woman's cycle is shorter she could ovulate directly after menstruation so be at her most fertile.

What if you miss birth control pills while ovulating?

If you just missed one pill it is unlikely that you ovulated at all as the other pills (if taken correctly) will have prevented ovulation. so you are unlikely to become pregnant. NO NOT REALLY PLUS THERE SHOULD BE ENOUGH HORMONES IN THE PILLS TO PREVENT THE PREGNANCY TO TAKE PLACE...SO BASICALLY NO

Your fiance came inside of you and you were not on birth control at the moment but the next day you took a birth control pill so can you be pregnant?

It depends. If you are regularly on birth control and just forgot it that day, it is not likely but it is very possible. If you are not regularly on birth control and took the pill the day after, then yes, you can be pregnant, since usually you have to be on the pill for 2-4 weeks before a man can ejaculate into a woman without the risk of getting her pregnant.

What day should you start taking your birth control?


Can you get pregnant on the first or second day after periods are finished?

Yes. On average, a woman ovulates on the thirteenth day after her period starts, but women frequently ovulate sooner. Sperm can live inside a woman for 5 days. Count the first day of your period as day 1. If your period ends on day 5, you have sex on day 6, and you ovulate on day 11, the sperm may fertilize the egg.

What happens to a woman's reproductive system during birthing?

Unless you breast feed, you can get pregnant the next day. So after birth you must use birth control right away.

Can a woman get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant two days after the last day of menstruation. It all depends on her menstrual cycle as to whether she is fertile that day, but it is certainly possible if no birth control is used.