It depends on how the body hormones responds or reacts and the type of food that one eats
For most girls a thick, white mucus will form on your underwear a few months before your period
Most girls get their first period when their 12.5, so no.
Most girls will have their first period between the ages of 11 and 14. But some girls will start as early as 8, whilst others may be as late as 17.
Most young girls generally get their first period when they're 11+ years old.
Most girls have their first period at age 12, but it is normal anywhere from age 8 to age 16.
Most girls have their first period at age 12, but it is normal anywhere from age 8 to age 16.
Most anime girls are white.
A girls first period starts most commonly between 12 and 15 but has been known to start as young as 9 or as old as 17.
The most famous location online for photos of girls in the White House is the website 1600 Girls. 1600 stands for the street address of the White House.
Between 10-16.
Most of the time yea
Asian Guys most definitely like White Girls.