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During War. It helped them communicate with nature, and they lost the war because they were always stoned lol

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14y ago
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13y ago

People have been smoking marijuana for as long as 7000 years ago, it has been discovered in ancient burials and evidence of smoking goes back that far as well.

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Q: When did people start smoking marijuana?
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What at age people start smoking marijuana?

i started at 12

What age do people start smoking marijuana?

if your Matt tabke the age of 7

Who was the first person to start smoking marijuana?


Can you become sick after smoking too much marijuana?

Yes, some people do get sick from the effects of smoking and/or the marijuana.

How can people help or affect marijuana?

By smoking it...

What do people get into after smoking marijuana?

Clearly munchies.

How can you stop smoking marijuana?

Just stop smoking it and avoid being around those who do.

Can other people smoking marijuana be detected on you?

Marijuana is very high in smell [hehe, pun] So yes. It will in fact be carried on through smell with you when you were in a room when people were/are smoking it.

How many people die from medical marijuana?

Zero. There are no records of death resulting from marijuana smoking.

What keeps people smoking marijuana?

The people themselves. Unlike drugs like cocaine and heroine, marijuana is not chemically addictive.

Why did Bob Marley start smoking marijuana?

Bob Marley started smoking weed when he was 15 because its is religion

How many people get lung disease from marijuana?

not that many as smoking a cigarette