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I didn't think it was. We always had roast beef and yorkshire pudding or ham.

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Q: When did it become a tradition to eat turkey on Christmas day?
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The tradition in my family is Ham, pretzel salad and green bean casarole.

In Disney's 'A Christmas Carol' what does Scrooge buy for the Cratchit family on Christmas Day?

In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Scrooge sends a young boy to buy a turkey on Christmas Day, which he plans to send to the Cratchit's as a surprise.Firstly, Mr. Cratchit is a poor man who is forced by Scrooge to work a lot as his clerk. He loves Christmas. He has a sick son named Tiny Tim and also has a wife.

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Opening presents on Christmas day.

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On Christmas eve or Christmas Day. Whatever is your families tradition

What does eating a turkey on a Christmas Day mean?

i think it means like Jesus' birth there was animals there such as a bird and turkey is a bird. the turkey is honoured by eating it because it was at Jesus' and it is cooked to be eaten on Christmas day

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When do you put up the Christmas tree?

People put up their Christmas trees at different times. It depends on which tradition they follow or personal choice. One tradition is to wait until Christmas Eve day and leave it up until the day after Twelfth Night. One reason for this tradition is to spend the Advent season preparing for Christmas, then put the tree and decorations up to celebrate the feast of Christmas. Another tradition is to put trees up on Saint Nicholas Day, December 6th. Another tradition is to put the trees up on Immaculate Conception Day, December 8th. Then there is the tradition of setting up the tree on December 13th, 12 days before Christmas.

What is a sentence with the word tradition?

Many families follow a family tradition in dress and manners. My family has a Christmas tradition of drawing names to see who buys whom a present. Kind of like secret Santa. It is our tradition to go out camping and fishing once a year.

Is Christmas Day celebrated in Puerto Rico?

yes it is it is a culture tradition

Is Turkey the place serve Christmas?

For Centuries it was traditional for UK families to eat goose or the head of a boar. However this changed in the 16th Century when the turkey bird was introduced to England. Trader William Strickland imported six turkey birds into England in 1526 from the United States of America (USA) though some sources say Spain. He sold them for tuppence each in Bristol. They soon became so popular because of their new unique taste and their succulent flavour that more were imported and bred.

What does Scrooge BYU for the Cratchit family on Christmas day?

he buys them a turkey

What bird is popular at Christmas 6 letters?

Turkey? Have a nice day :)