In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Scrooge sends a young boy to buy a turkey on Christmas Day, which he plans to send to the Cratchit's as a surprise.Firstly, Mr. Cratchit is a poor man who is forced by Scrooge to work a lot as his clerk. He loves Christmas. He has a sick son named Tiny Tim and also has a wife.
Yes, I noticed migraines for years after Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners. Even the turkey soup a day or two later was powerful to start the migraine again. Just the other day I ate a turkey ham and cheese sandwich and headaches for a couple of days after came. Chan
Are you speaking of the mysteries of the rosary, or of the Holy Days, what do you mean by "after Christmas", do you mean St. Stephen's Day (the day after Christmas, or the Sunday after Christmas or what?
he buys them a turkey
Turkey? Have a nice day :)
you open the presantsthat santa gave you and then have turkey
Brazilians meal at Christmas time consists of Turkey with wine poured on top
A prize turkey on Christmas morning and a pay-rise on the day after Christmas
On Christmas day, they had Chinese turkey (duck).
A turkey trot is just a name for some Golf competitions played in the lead up to Christmas. Instead of winning vouchers, or other prizes, the winner receive a turkey, just before Christmas Day.
A turkey trot is just a name for some golf competitions played in the lead up to Christmas. Instead of winning vouchers, or other prizes, the winner receive a turkey, just before Christmas day.