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1968. They also made a .22 rifle that used a special caseless .22 cartridge.

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Q: When did daisy make a 22 caliber rifle?
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What is the value of a 22 caliber Daisy single shot rifle?

what is the value of a 22 caliber ddaisy rifel with a mag fed at the bottom.

Did daisy make real guns?

Daisy did briefly manufacture .22 caliber firearms. They also manufactured a rifle that used caseless .22 cartridges until the BATFE ruled that they WERE a true firearm.

What is my 22 caliber daisy rifle semi auto worth?

50-125 or so

How to break down a daisy 22 caliber rifle?

Follow the instructions in the owner's manual

Where can you get a clip for a daisy 22 caliber rifle?

Want ads, gun shows, gun shops.

What is the value of a 22 caliber daisy rifle model 8 good condition?

25-125 USD

Did Kmart ever sell a 22 caliber long rifle from Daisy?

It is entirely possible. In the 1970s, Daisy began making .22 Long Rifle FIREARMS- not BB guns, but actual firearms. At that time, K Mart was actively selling inexpensive rifles and shotguns. Today the Daisy .22 LR guns are fairly scarce- but there was a bolt action and a semiauto made- as well as the Daisy "caseless" .22 rifle.

What is the value of a 22 caliber Daisy Rifle?

It all depends on the model and the condition of the rifle. Re post the queston with the model number and condition of the rifle and I will try to give you a price.

What is the value of a daisy model 2201 22 caliber rim fire rifle in excellent condition?

100 USD or so

What year a 22 caliber rifle stamped 41-10319771-22?

Need to know the make and model of the rifle in order to answer this.

What caliber is a 225 rifle?

a .22 caliber