what is the value of a 22 caliber ddaisy rifel with a mag fed at the bottom.
25-125 USD
It all depends on the model and the condition of the rifle. Re post the queston with the model number and condition of the rifle and I will try to give you a price.
25-100 or so
100 USD or so
Are you sure of the model number?
value of a model 49 ithaca 22 caliber rifle
50-100 USD
10-100 USD depending on specifics
50-100 USD or so
It all depends on the condition and model of the rifle. Daisy has made several versions of the Single Shot. The model "A" Single Shot, model "C No1", model "C No2" and the "Sentinel Single Shot". Most were made in the early 1900's. Can you Identify your model?
10-100 USD or so