Crack has never been legal. Crack cocaine is just a different, more dangerous form of cocaine, that became popular in the 1980s, and cocaine has been illegal in the United States since 1914.
For a long time, people had been freebasing cocaine. Freebasing is when you put the cocaine on a piece of tin foil, and light a cigarette lighter underneath it. As the cocaine cooks, a vapor rises from it, and you inhale the vapor with a straw made from tin foil.
Sometime in the late 1970s, somebody figured out that if you boil cocaine with water, baking soda, and other household chemicals, it produces a rock-like substance that burns at a lower temperature than regular cocaine. This makes it very easy to smoke, and makes the high more intense than freebasing: since it burns faster than regular cocaine, you end up smoking more of it in the same amount of time. And since you end up smoking more of it in the same amount of time, the risk of overdose and death is that much greater.
Since crack is essentially a diluted form of cocaine, it is cheaper than regular cocaine. The cheap price is what caused the crack epidemic in the 1980s, since people who normally wouldn't have been able to afford the steep price of a cocaine addiction could now get high every day for cheap.
It is illegal and harmful to use crack and heroin. They are highly addictive substances that can have severe physical and psychological effects. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, seek help from a healthcare professional or a substance abuse treatment center.
Yes, a crack high can impair a person's cognitive functions, including their ability to react quickly and make sound judgments. This can result in decreased defensive driving instincts, putting themselves and others on the road at risk. It is illegal and dangerous to drive under the influence of crack or any other substance.
Another word for crevice is crack.
It varies greatly based on location, clientele, and amount sold. On average, a crack dealer may make anywhere from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars per year. However, it is illegal and dangerous activity that can result in severe consequences.
Crack a joke: To make a witty or humorous comment. Crack the code: To decipher or figure out a complex puzzle or encryption. Crack down: To take strict measures or enforce laws or rules rigorously. Crack a smile: To smile slightly or briefly.
because the government could not tax it
crack is illegal. period. you will be arrested at any age for using crack
It means the illegal version with a crack, crack meaning: something like a no CD crack which makes you not need a CD key. For people with the illegal version, they would need this as they have no CD.
well they are mostly used for marijuana and not crack and they arent illegal because they can be used for smoking tobacco as well which is what the smokes shops will tell you they are for
Yes. Crack cocaine is a DEA Schedule I substance. It is illegal.
pirated/illegal version of avast 7. Crack=reverse engineering.
no one it's illegal
no way
Cocaine Crack Methamphetamine ...
WikiAnswers does not support the illegal activity or in this case the fake illegal activity for making illegal drugs.
cocaine crystal meth crack