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Q: When did Cuba lift its ban on Christmas?
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Did Fidel Castro ban Christianity?

Fidel Castro did ban Christmas for several years but later reinstated it as a national holiday upon the Pope visiting Cuba.

What does Cuba do on Christmas?

cuba is stupid on Christmas

Do people celebrate Christmas in Cuba?

Yes, people in Cuba do celebrate Christmas.

What do women of Cuba wear for Christmas?

Nothing,People in Cuba don't celebrate Christmas

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The ban was lifted in 2000.

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What day do Cuba celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is celebrated according to the calendar in use, not by geographical location. Cuba uses the Gregorian calendar.

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In the year of 1886.

Does Cuba use Christmas trees on Christmas?

No theye use their garden trees.

Can I legally ban my brother from Christmas?

Unless your name is "Scrooge", you may NOT, under any circumstances, ban your brother from Christmas ! HO HO HO, Merry Christmas and Peace and Good Will to all men ! (Including brothers!)

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