I got told between 4-6 months but i went down to the piercing shop to get mine taken out after about 3 months but it was stuck in my ear! :/ but after that, it was fine and it never got infected!
Hope this helps
The opposite of the piercing, tragus ~ anti tragus, eyebrow ~ anti eyebrow.
After getting my Tragus pierced I waited until 2 months to change mine as it was still hurting , but when they change the bar in the Tragus it can be quite painful so just putting it out there and don't change jewelry in the Tragus when it's infected it really hurts
There is not straight or gay side for a tragus piercing, it's just a piercing and doesn't denote sexual orientation.
I have had my Tragus pierced on both ears, and went swimming almost right after getting the piercing. Mine was fine.
YES it is ...I have an industrial and it is on the cartilage and my cousin have the tragus and she started crying and her pain tolerance is better then mine the tragus huet much more because it is more cartilage in it then on a cartilage piercing
The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.
Only if the person doing the piercing is a complete idiot, but generally there is no danger to eyesight from a tragus piercing. Please be sure to see a professional body piercer for this piercing and not some joker with a piercing gun.
16 :)
A Tragus piercing, being a deep cartilage piercing should be left in for a period of 3~9 months to allow the piercing to properly season and toughen. As with any piercing they are never considered fully healed until they are a full year old. So the longer you can leave it alone without changing the jewellery the better it is for the piercing.
Yes a straight guy can get a vertical tragus surface piercing without looking feminine. A lot of straight men have them.
the tragus piercing is done on cartilage and if you know you form keloids you should avoid cartilage piercings because they have a high chance of forming keloids