Christina- August 12
Katherine- March 4
Lisa- September 19
Amy- July 1
Lauren- August 12
Dani- June 15
Mike- February 18
Alex- August 30
Christian- February 18
Nick- September 19
Joey- February 19
The Cimorelli's do not perform at birthday parties.
Lisa Cimorelli is 23 years old (birthdate September 19, 1993).
Yes, the Cimorelli family posts a lot of pictures of themselves on twitter and instagram.
The youngest member of Cimorelli is Dani (14 years old). The youngest sibling in the Cimorelli family is Joey (10 years old).
Katherine's birthday is March 4th, so she is currently 22. (as of 3/05/14)
Alex Cimorelli is currently 17. His birthday is August 30th.
The Cimorelli's do not perform at birthday parties.
August, 1998Lauren Cimorelli's birthday is on August 12, which is the same day as her older sister, Christina's birthday.
Christina Cimorelli's birthday is on August 12, which is the same day as her younger sister, Lauren's birthday.
Lisa Cimorelli does not have a child.
Lisa Cimorelli is 23 years old (birthdate September 19, 1993).
Amy Cimorelli's birthday is July 1st, 1995. She is currently 18 years old.
Alex Cimorelli is 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.
Christina Cimorelli's birthday is on August 12, which is the same day as her younger sister, Lauren's birthday.
Alex Cimorelli is the 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.
August, 1998Lauren Cimorelli's birthday is on August 12, which is the same day as her older sister, Christina's birthday.
February 18th 1989, which he shares with his little brother Christian Cimorelli