Yes, the Cimorelli family posts a lot of pictures of themselves on twitter and instagram.
The youngest member of Cimorelli is Dani (14 years old). The youngest sibling in the Cimorelli family is Joey (10 years old).
The Cimorelli sisters are a group of 6 singers. They do many covers of modern songs. They consist of: Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Lauren and Dani. They come from the Sacramento area and are from a family of 11. The girls also have another 5 brothers, Alex, Christian, Mike, Nick and Joey. You should check out their music on youtube.
Christina Cimorelli has a boyfriend.
Christina Cimorelli is the oldest member in the band.
Lauren Cimorelli does not have a boyfriend. She is single and not interested.
Alex Cimorelli is 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.
Alex Cimorelli is the 6th child or 2nd oldest son of the Cimorelli family.
Yes, Christina Cimorelli has a boyfriend.
Alex Cimorelli is currently 17. His birthday is August 30th.
Dani Cimorelli is the youngest member in the band.
they used to live in Sacramento, CA but now they live in L.A. to make working on singing easier.
You can contact the Cimorelli sisters on Twitter, Facebook, and their website.
The Cimorelli family has 6 girls and 5 boys.
The youngest member of Cimorelli is Dani (14 years old). The youngest sibling in the Cimorelli family is Joey (10 years old).