yes. when a girl's nipple is pointy it means she's horny or she's COLD! but most of the time when youre alone with your girlfriend, and if its pointy it means she wants SEX! OMG it does!!!
That you decided to get a nipple piercing.
A long breast with no nipple.
no it hurts. just clearing a few things up some girls like having their nipples nibbled because they like stimulation of the pain inflicted to their nipples by the guy or girl who is nibbling the nipple while others would perfer you nibble around the nipple and not the actual tip of the nipple. by around we mean the outer area of the nipple and or other parts of the breasts. Other would prefer if you left them alone and only touched them with your hands.
As So Very Pointy
The nipple is nipple tenderness. Breasts tenderness is usually when touching any part of your breast..apart from your nipple...causes tenderness.
sharp at the top like a pen
it means that the turtle has a tail
Its long and Pointy.
There are numerous other words for the word pointy. A few of the other words are sharp, peaked, acute, and arrowlike.
Holes in the nipple are normal There are holes through which milk can flow, and holes for the oils that lubricate the nipple. If this is a new hole in your nipple, see your health care provider for accurate diagnosis.