Well, if you have never got it before ask a female adult for a pad or tampon. If you've had it before stick a pad or tampon in pocket just in case.
A talk in school relating to a girl's period perhaps?
If you can hang out with her with your freetime, then yes, you should.
If you fancy a girl at school you should be nice to her. You could ask her to spend time with you.
no never
You would need to spend time with the girl outside of school over a long period of time, probably several years. For girls (and boys) still in high school, you should expect the person to change and (hopefully) mature over the course of several years.
If your in school or have graduated you should know and if your in school you should be paying attention in class period!!!!!!^^ If you were in school you would have known that it is "If you're in school" not "If your in school"
Be supportive. : )
Why you want to be Head Girl.
If you like a girl and she is in none of your classes, I think you should try to get her phone number or talk to her before school. Maybe ask her to a dance if you are in hgih school. I am a girl, and that is what I think you should do personally.
You should not be looking up girl's skirts period unless you're her doctor.
Girls usually get their first period between the ages of 11-15.
at the end of a sentence -or- when a girl's body is ready