If you fancy a girl at school you should be nice to her. You could ask her to spend time with you.
You respect their relationship. If you were in the girlfriend's place, how would you want another girl to behave?
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yes she does fancy you
To get a girl to fancy you, you need to treat her with respect.
i no how u feel just tell her and if she reacts in a wired way just egnore her
Just be your self! Never tell yourself you're the most unwanted girl in school! That's just rude.... to yourself!
Lie to the person you love and say the other person has done something horrid. Then the person you love might break up with them and be your girl/boy freind instead to thank you for telling them.
if it is a girl it should be a aqua dress and if it is a boy it should be a tux.
Be super nice and a gentlemen
Look for another girl. Sometimes rejection makes the girl you fancy even more attractive! However, as soon as you find a new girl that does like you, you will forget this one.
wominizer means you fancy a girl if your a girl
for me it's 0%; I am a girl.