When a girl goes through puberty her breast's get bigger she grows hair in her armpits and on her privet part. Then later she gets her period.
The womb holds the eggs when girls are going through puberty
There is no age, it happens when you hit puberty.
yes, it is called bloating and happens to every girl during puberty
if you mean when a girl has her period, this happens once a month once the girl reaches puberty.
1 to 2 years after puberty not neciserily for all girls it also happens once a month
60-90 for a girl with puberty 90-120 for a girl with puberty
Ater pre-puberty comes puberty. This is when the changes take place to your body and brain to make you into an adult. It takes a few years for all the changes to take place and it can be a confusing time for any young girl or boy.
You're going to get it soon... "IT" being your period, Chica ;)
every girl has a different rate about puberty
It is a natural occurence that happens to everyone. There are many changes that will happen during puberty. It is the path that leads from childhood to adulthood. Be patient and all will become fine in the end by the time puberty has ended.
Puberty starts before the menstruation does. When a girl get her period varies so I can not tell you when you will get yours but it is whenever during puberty.
Usually, it starts off when a girl gets "breast buds". The breasts have a little bump, and the beginning breast are commonly tender and sore and sensitive. A girl's breasts will continue to grow and develop in stages. Through puberty girls start noticing changes (meaning growth) in the nipple and areola.