Usually, it starts off when a girl gets "breast buds". The breasts have a little bump, and the beginning breast are commonly tender and sore and sensitive. A girl's breasts will continue to grow and develop in stages. Through puberty girls start noticing changes (meaning growth) in the nipple and areola.
The size of the breasts also increase. Also there is onset of menstruation.
It means you are in puberty. Menstruation starts anytime during your puberty and is not linked to the breasts.
around the time of puberty
Breasts grow a little all the time or they have growth spurts during a period of time. It differs between women. All that is sure is that it happens during puberty.
There is nothing secret in puberty. Except the growth in your testis, penis and breasts.
Boys get hair on their penis, their penis and testes get larger. Boys and girls both get armpit hair and thicker leg hair. Girls develop breasts and get pubic hair. Girls also get their period
in the age of puberty the girl should get breasts... around 11 to 13 years of age
are you an idiot or something? getting boobs is not a disease it happens with puberty you dummy
Virginity has nothing to do with a girl's breasts. Breasts contains mostly fat and are soft but during puberty when you grow they can be hard at times.
Your nipples should be growing as you grow, this includes your breasts. There is no exact age although usually around your early teens they should start to develop and then stop usually late teens. Although as I said there is not set in answer.
Puberty is when a child grows into an adult. Many changes occur such as: * Enlargement of the genitals (guys) * Development of breasts (girls) * "Wet" Dreams (guys) * Beginning menstrual cycles/periods (girls) * Acne (both genders) * Other stuff (research it) There is no "set" age to begin puberty and you can't "attain" it. It just happens as you grow into an adult.