A only comment on Super Junior - Sorry Sorry MV (the one with 20kk views) has 100k+ thumbs up.
Yes of course, most of the most famous artists do, look up EminemVEVO, and youll find his youtube.
YouTube. Ellen found her on youtube and after she was on the show she went up from there.
Just like most great services and products, Youtube was created by more than one person, these were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. All three were former pay pal users.
The people who made YouTube used to work for PayPal before coming together and teaming up to create YouTube. The names of the founders of YouTube are Chad Hurley, Jawed Karim, and Steve Chen. As of now, numerous people (employees of YouTube and others) have contributed to the creation of the YouTube we know today.
on youtube
No.You must be signed up though.
People write on youtube because they think well this is hoe i fell about this so im going to say what I feel i know its reduiols
It's easy! For Example, you go on youtube, and you pause the video and up the top you copy and paste the link. If you wanted to put a link of this website onto facebook you'd comment on a comment with the link.
You can delete youtube comments by clicking remove next to your comment, but only on your own videos. You can delete coments on youtube if they're on your own videos by just pressing delete beside the comment but if its not on your video i think you just can report abuse or spam or whatever it is that you will like to remove.
Just underneath the video window are two buttons for 'like' and 'dislike' - just click the one you want.
Yes of course, most of the most famous artists do, look up EminemVEVO, and youll find his youtube.
It depends entirely on the settings you have chosen. The default settings (the settings for most videos) means that the video will be public. People searching for words related to the video will be able to find it, view it, rate it, and comment on it.
You can place a comment on a video by hitting the “Comments” button under the video. It’s below the video player. The comment box will open up and you can then type your comment. 50% of the people who watch your video will see the comment (if it is “public”) and be able to reply to it. To make sure people can reply to your comment, write your comment in an open ended fashion. For example, “Jane, I totally agree with you. What do you think of the video?” If Jane replies, her comment will appear below yours and 60% of the viewers will see it.
If anybody would like to trade please sign in or sign up on youtube and leave a comment on TheCheckProductions channel.
When you subscribe to someone's YouTube channel, you will receive notifications of anything they do on YouTube, according to their privacy settings. For example, you will be able to easily see when someone you subscribe to uploads a new video, likes a video or comment, or posts a new comment. All of this information will be listed on your homepage for easy access.
The most noticeable difference is that the fist is used with the thumb up, where most styles punch with the thumb pointed left or right depending on the hand. The placing of the thumb on the top of the fist is also unique to Isshinryu.
No that i know of but a lot of people say that she has a you tube channel and you can ask her in her comment box. but she should be though, she is a really good singer, science i dont have a accout for youtube can some body please put a thumbs UP for me? and a really nice comment?