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Just like most great services and products, YouTube was created by more than one person, these were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. All three were former pay pal users.

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Q: Who came up with YouTube?
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Where did YouTube came from?

The U.S.A

When did YouTube came out?


Most popular person?

psy, the person who came up with gangnam style. he has one billion views on youtube

Who came up with a survival pack?

Mr. Astley. His first name is Richard, there are plenty of informational videos on him on YouTube.

When does Naruto Manga 478 coming out?

It alredy came out!!!!!!!!!!!! Go to or go to youtube and look up for stdpreventer

How do you make youtube channel?

You automatically have a YouTube channel when you sign up to YouTube but it can be a daunting exercise to decide on what niche you would like to go into and how to get subscribers. I have done research and came across a training course which guides you step for step in how to make money from YouTube. click or paste the link in my bio.

Why Justin Bieber has broken his leg?

He was opening up for Taylor Swift. When he came out on stage to sing one time he tripped. You can look it up on youtube and see what happened.

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If they came with instructions, read them. If they didn't, search the "<name of headsets> set up instructions" on Youtube. They can be difficult.

What came first Google or YouTube?

Google of course. Google owns YouTube so its pretty clear witch came out first. Google came out in 1998 & YouTube was created February of 2005, Google Bought YouTube in 2006!

What are the diamond handles on Pickaxes I see on Youtube videos in Mincraft?

They came from texture packs dude. Search on YouTube

When is diary of a badman season 2 coming out?

It came out on 1st July 2012 Types in YouTube 'diary of a badman 2.1' and it'll come up.

How was charice pempengco discovered?

YouTube. Ellen found her on youtube and after she was on the show she went up from there.