You can find Winchester Serial numbers at the Old Guns website.
Great place for info on antique guns when you are writing a historical :)
It will be eight sided,thus the name hexagon barrel.
You must provide the serial number.
100-500 USD
AFAIK, there is no Winchester Model 90A. Is it a lever action, slide action, bot action, semi-auto or single shot? What caliber? What type and length of barrel?
Yes they did. I have one that has a hex barrel and is a lever action.
Count the sides of that barrel before you shout at us. If it has 8 flat sides, it is an OCTAGON.
No action made of leather. If you mean LEVER action, that would be the BLR. 100-500 USD
Hexagon barrel what? Model? pump, rolling block, ?? Condition?
100-1000 USD and up depending on specifics
how much does it cost?
If that barrel is less than 16 inches long and you are in the US, you have an illegal firearm.