While the Winchester model 190 was serial numbered,Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers by year of production.I can say that the Winchester model 190 was produced from 1974-1980.
Yes, the Model 94 has serial numbers.
Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers for the model 190.I can say that the winchester model 190 was made from 1974-1980.
Your Winchester model 150 was made from 1967-1974.Winchester did not keep records of the serial numbers by year of production for this model.
Your Winchester model 64 was produced from 1933-1957,and the serial numbers were listed among the model 1894 serial numbers.Your Winchester model 64 was made by Winchester in 1934.
Proofhouse.com has Winchester serial numbers.
The model 12 Winchester pump shotgun with serial numbers from 626,997 to 651,255 where made in 1931, which your guns serial numbers fall in.
Depends on the serial number... Look up Winchester serial numbers..
No published data
The numbers .308 are the caliber of your rifle,not the model number.Please include the model number and serial number to get the age of your Winchester rifle.
while winchester did not keep accurate records of the serial numbers on this model,I can say that the model 190 winchester was made from 1974-1980.
Your winchester model 670 were only made from 1967-1973.Winchester did not keep records for this model as to the year of production with serial numbers.