Harrington & Richardson used the Prefix AT in 1983.
How old is my Topper 88 HARRINGTON AND RICHARDSON GUN serial number
Less than $100.
Typically a used topper will run between $50 and $150 depending on condition.
About $75-$125, depending on condition.
Made between 1962-1974. Model number changed to 058 in 74.
Since it has a serial number, it was made after 1968. They were made at least through the 1990's, but I know of no source of serial number dating info for recent H&R guns. * Harrington & Richardson manufactured the shotgun in 1974.
"P" prefix indicates 1953
Since you do not say, whether your Harrington & Richardson is a pistol, rifle or shotgun and you do not show a letter prefix to the serial number, I can only give you limited information based on a Model 48 Topper Single Shot Shotgun which was manufactured for a period of 14 years between 1943 and 1956. I hope this helps, until you can supply more information on your shotgun.