The model 111 was a Daisy Western Carbine (Not a Red Ryder) It was made from 1963 to 1978.
The Daisy No: 111 model 40 (Not Model 111) was a Red Ryder and was made from 1940 to 1952.
Daisy started making the Red Ryder in 1939. It was the No:111 model 40. It has gone through several variations and today it the model 1938.
The Daisy No.111 model 40 was made from 1939 to 1952
Please state the condition of the Daisy. The original model was the No. 111 model 40 made in 1940-41.
There are over 28 different version, made over the years, of the Red Ryder. Daisy doesn't bother to put serial numbers on them just batch numbers. There have been thousands made. Originally the Red Ryder Was the No. 111 model 40, then it became the model 1938 around 1972. Daisy offers a service to identify individual models. See the link below
I'm going to attempt to answer this. The reason I hesitate is because Daisy have an unusual numbering system for their air guns. Daisy made a no. 111 model 40 from 1940 to around 1966. it was part of the "Red Ryder" series. It was made in 8 variations. They also made a Model 111 "Western Carbine" from 1963-78 (I think this is your rifle) It's a 700 shot plastic stock rifle similar to a Red Ryder. They also made a model 111-B American youth in 1998. One of these has to be your rifle
There are 8 Variations of the Red Ryder Model 111 and 14 different Red Ryder 1938 models. Your best bet is to contact "Daisy" they offer a FREE service to answer questions about Daisy products. See the link below
Daisy has a very screwy and unusual way of numbering air guns and rifles. Example: Model 111-B American Youth. Boy holding first Daisy on side mfg 1998 Model 111 Western Carbine 700 shot plastic stock mfg 1963-78 No 111 Western Carbine 700 shot plastic stock mfg 1963-78 No 111 Model 40 Red Ryder, 8 different variations of this model then it became the 1938 Red Ryder model in 1975. Notice the KEY words "No" verses "Model" Confused enough, So is everyone else. There is NO model 111 40, But don't tell Daisy they may want to make one.
Daisy made a model 94 Carbine from 1954 - 1962, they also made a model 111 western carbine from 1963-1978. I can find no information on a Red Ryder 1938 carbine. However the 1938 Red Ryder is still in production.
The red ryder no 111 was made from 1939 to 1971. Then it became the 1938 model from then on to today
The Daisy No 111 model 40 started production in 1940 and was made in 8 different variations up until the early 1970's then it became the "Red Ryder model 1938" and went on from there until today with 14 different variations. It is hard to set a value for the older model 40's but there is help. Daisy air gun company offers a free service to give you more information and set a value for you. See the link below for the Daisy web link.
There are over 28 different version, made over the years, of the Red Ryder. It started in 1940 as the number 111 model 40. during the 1970's it became the model 1938. It is the most produced BB rifle ever made.
Are you asking about the Red Ryder 94 Carbine? If so it was Mfg 1955-1962. Value as follows: 80%=$60, 90%-$100, 95%=$150, 100%=$250 --------------------------- I think this Red Ryder gun is older. Did they make one before 1955? ----------------------------- New to this. This was my fathers gun ( I am 63yrs). It is a Red Ryder Daisy carbome #111. ----------------------------- The model 111 was made between 1963-78. Yes Daisy did make several models that looked like the Red Ryder before 1955. The model B was made between 1910-23. The model 27 was made between 1927-32. There were several others that eventually became the Red Ryder. But I need more info to identify it.