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It should be noted that all Post-64 model 70 rifles started at serial number 700,000.Your serial number is very close to the new start numbers,indicating that it was made in the year 1964.

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Q: What year is Winchester model 70 264 win mag 703737?
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Go to and look at the Winchester sn data.

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your winchester model 70 was made by winchester in 1972.

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What is the value of a 1955 series pre-64 264 Win mag Model 70?

Very little... Winchester did not introduce the 264 Winchester magnum cartridge until the year 1958. If your Model 70 is actually a 1955 vintage rifle, it is not factory original.

When was Winchester model 670 264 Winchester magnum serial 130091 made?

The winchester model 670,and magnum models were made from 1967-1973.

What is the year and value of my Winchester Model 670 264 Win Mag Serial Number 108003?

I can say that the Winchester model 670 and 670 magnum version,which you have was made by Winchester from 1967-1973.I am afraid thats all the info that I can find.

What year is your model 70 264 Winchester xtr sporter serial number G1830195?

Your rifle dates from the year 1987,with the serial number that you have provided.The XTR series was discontinued in the year 1989.

When was 264 min wag serial G1185263 made?

Your serial number shows that your Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1975.

What is the barrel twist rate of a Winchester model 70 in 264 caliber?

twist is 1:9

What is the value of Winchester 264?

This question cannot be answered without a detailed description of your Winchester rifle,including the model number,serial number(to date the year of production)and overall condition of the rifle in question including the amount of original finish remaining.

When was the Winchester model 670 264 magnum made?

I have a Winchester model 670 264 magnum rifle. I would like to know when it was made, the value, any and all information about this rifle. It was my brothers and when he passed away it became mine. I do not have any information about this rifle. Any information would be greatly appreciated.