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Yes, my grandmother takes inciline. she's a really bad diabetic. But she smokes weed on the daily with me. ahaha, & so far she's been smoking it every day for a little over 2 years and she hasn't died. So yes they can smoke.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

From what i heard from a medical nurse you will be am amputee within a year depending on how much you smoke

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Q: What would happen to a diabetic that smoke weed?
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I wouldn't say ALL pirate smoke weed, but I'm sure if one of them had some they would!

Can a zombie smoke weed?

Yes, a zombie CAN smoke weed. A zombie is a fictional undead being or a person in an entranced state believed to be controlled by a bokor or wizard. If you're referring to the first type, the fictional undead only has one thing on it's mind, that is to eat human flesh or brains. So in theory, it does not have the mental capacity to smoke weed. If you happen to refer to the second type indicated, then most definitely it can smoke weed. The only question is if, the person that is controlling the zombie, would direct the said zombie to actually smoke weed. ~And yeah it would be pretty cool to see zombies smoking weed.

Is it okay to smoke marijuana if your a christion?

YES smokin weed has no revelence to ur faith i have faith in God and i smoke weed everyday! E-V-E-R-Y- D-A-Y-! so light up that blunt or joint pack that bowl and smoke some weed cause what would jesus do? (he would smoke weed)_Zachsmith_ weed smoker

If you smoke weed but not inhale would it still show you your urine?

Nope.P.S. Stop wasting weed.

How can you get medicated to smoke weed?

You can get medicated to smoke weed if you have glacoma.