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Nothing. You might get sick though. Don't do it though.

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Q: What would happen if you take a whole weeks worth of birth control pills?
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Can trust pills abort 2 weeks pregnancy?

If by "trust pills" you mean birth control pills, no they will not make you abort.

Can you go back to using birth control pills after stopping for 5 weeks?


Can you get pregnant if you stopped your birth control pills and spotted for 3 weeks?

Yes, if you stop the birth control you can get pregnant, whether or not you're bleeding.

What does it mean if you start your period 2 weeks before the placebo pills and you still spot bleed all month and your already on your 3rd pack of Yaz birth control pills?

This can happen when the birth control you're on doesn't agree with you. You need to see your Doctor to go on a different brand of birth control. It's also advisable you perform a pregnancy test.

What if you was recenting taking birth control but been off for 2 weeks and having un protected sex could you be prego?

If you're not taking birth control pills for the last two weeks, you could get pregnant.

What happens when taking birth control backwards on one of the weeks in between?

If your pills are all the same dose of hormones for each day, then nothing. If you have a type of pill where different weeks have different doses of hormones, then you will need to use another form of birth control (while continuing to take your birth control pills in the right order) for this month, as there is a chance that you may ovulate that month. You do not want to take your placebo pills (the pills you take for 1 week when you are supposed to have your period) during the middle of your birth control pill cycle, as those pills offer no birth control protection. If that was the case, then you may get a surprise period in the middle of your cycle, and you will need to use another form of birth control in order to prevent pregnancy.

Your daughter is almost 11 and just got her period last month its like 2 weeks later and she says she has it again should you take her to the doctor?

yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well. yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well. yes and you should have her put on birth control pills as well.

Is it safe to have anti pregnancy pills?

Yes, anti-pregnancy is safe to prevent early/unwanted pregnancy. Abortion pills are the medicines that are used to terminate a pregnancy above 12 weeks. Birth control (anti-pregnancy pills) is used to prevent pregnancy. Birth control pills are considered effective to prevent pregnancy if you consume the pill within 72 hours.

Is the reason i have been having my period off and on for three weeks because i missed some birth control pills?

Missing pills to often can cause this proplem.

Is it normal to have your period for 1 day after being on birth control pills for two weeks?

Yes, unscheduled bleeding is a common side effect in the first three months of birth control pill use. Continue taking your pills as scheduled.

If someone stopped taking birth control pills after her last period how late could her next period be?

Period can arrive anytime after the withdrawal bleed from 4 weeks to 8 weeks. Its different in every woman.

Active within 3 weeks?

Some birth control pills become effective after 1 week, others may take several weeks. You should ask your doctor, or read the instructions that came with your birth control to figure out how long your specific birth control takes to come into effect.