When slaves refused to work, they often faced severe punishment, such as physical abuse, torture, or even death. Slaves were typically forced through coercion and fear to comply with their masters' orders.
One example of passive resistance used by slaves was pretending to be sick or injured to avoid work. Slaves would sometimes slow down their work pace, feign illness, or cause accidents to disrupt the productivity of their owners. These forms of resistance were subtle ways for slaves to resist their oppressors without directly challenging them.
Slaves on plantations typically woke up at sunrise to start their work for the day, which would vary depending on the specific tasks they were assigned.
1. Because they couldn't outscource the jobs to China. 2. Slaves were free labor as opposed to cheap labor. 3. The Government didn't care how slaves were treated.
The slaves who could farm would already know how to care for the crops.
slaves either refused to work for their masters, or they may work less efficiently.
Many slaves slowed down their work or refused to work at all.
well the slaves had to clear the lands, work the soil and build the towns that is in the north
aztecs refused to work on plantations
The north feared that if slaves were freed, they would loose jobs because slaves would work for a lot less. This eventually did happen.
Henry Ravenel believed the slaves would fight on the side of their masters. He was shocked after Sherman's March that many of his slaves either left or refused to work once they learned they were free. He was obviously in denial, somehow believing people would rather be enslaved than free.
When slaves refused to work, they often faced severe punishment, such as physical abuse, torture, or even death. Slaves were typically forced through coercion and fear to comply with their masters' orders.
Slaves would work from sunrise to twilight for their entire lives
Their new masters would either chain them or whip them in front of everybody. After they reached where they were going, they were forced to be put to work at once.
They would have to work for a rich Muslim family. They would belong to that family, do the work, and be expected to switch to the Muslim religion.
What Happened If Slaves Were Too Old To Work?Slaves who were too old to work were given lesser duties such as cooking or tending to gardens. On a general basis slaves were in great physical shape because of the hard work they did and had longevity on their side.You honestly think slavery, which is founded on an evil belief of racial supremacy, would treat old slaves benevolently all the time? I think its safe to say that many slavers would gradually starve old slaves to death and I'm sure some had them shipped out somewhere and shot.
the colonist that refused to pay taxes were put in jail and sent to work for the kingdom