You can use apps on iPhone or android that have workout tracker plans to follow your weight loss. It will give heart rate information and weight information on a daily basis and give you graphs.
When working out you should increase the weight you use gradually as you progress with your workout.
Welcome to FitClick, your source for free weight loss programs, diet plans and workout routines. Use the Web's best calorie counter and food journal, and track your exercise program with our workout tracker. Create and share diets and workouts, join weight loss groups and more. Reach your weight loss goals at FitClick. It's Free.
You don't need to use any weight during aerobic workout. As longs as you keep your heart weight high enough (140-160bmp) your are enduring an aerobic execise.
No. Running before your weight training routine can exhaust you of all your energy and you may not be able to workout to your fullest capabilities. If you want to run, then you can push the running to past the weight training workout. This way you can both workout in best form and run.
There are plenty of sites that involves a free online Fitness tracker. For example try the site Fitday. This site can help track and analyze your workout and nutritional habits. It's one of the best free diet and weight loss journals out there.
You have to jerk it off or use a shake weight.
the tredmill, and push-ups. would probably be the best.
in each workout you must increase either weight lifted or reps with previous weight or sets, if you want to keep growing...
Home workout should include endurance and strength exercises. Aerobics, which can easily be practiced without exercise equipment, and a small weight set can be combined for an effective workout.
P90x is an extreme workout program that will, as long as you follow it, allow you to lose large amounts of weight. Weight Watchers is a great diet program that can also help you immensely with your weight loss.
There are many places to find total gym workout routines. Magazines like 'Shape' and 'Muscle and Fitness' have great workout routines to follow, and sites like 'Golds Gym' online have great routines too.
It is not mandatory but having a small meal before a workout doesnt hurt. It will give you the energy that you might require for a good workout. Remember not to have a full stomach meal before a workout as it is not recommended.