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Slavery affected Africans culturally, economically, linguistically, politically, psychologically, and socially. In the New World of the Americas, African slaves ended up cut off from their home cultures. They found themselves among other Africans, but not those of the same family and linguistic lines. They had no way of surviving outside of the plantation, because of not being paid for their work and not being allowed to seek gainful employment on their own. They had to learn to communicate in languages other than their own. They lacked all political freedoms and rights. They suffered psychologically, in terms of being viewed according to their color. They were treated as a subhuman group within slave owning societies.

The consequence was an abrupt break with their African past. At the same time, Africans weren't given opportunities to build New World equivalents to what they'd lost in the Old World. And yet, ironically, the New World had plenty of land for everyone's need, but evidently not enough for an elite's greed.*

*Robert Nesta Marley, February 6, 1945-May 11, 1981.

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Q: What were the effects of slavery on the Africans brought to the New World?
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