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I have seen A LOT of movies in my life. But I do not believe I have ever seen a movie like THAT :))

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Q: What was the movie where all the people go into a house and have to tell the truth one girl tells her story and it involves going to an illegal doctor to get implants eventually her implants eat guy?
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Is a dr told when someone is arrested with drugs?

Why would they be? If someone is arrested with illegal drugs traceable to a specific doctor, the doctor would probably eventually find out about it, most likely when the police come to arrest them for overprescribing.

Can a person with glaucoma get contact lenses implants?

Only after its approved by the doctor/optician.

Is it safe to breast feed with implants when you've had breast cancer in the past?

Yes, assuming you have saline implants (not silicone). You can talk with your doctor if you have any specific concerns.

You have severe swelling and pain in one of your saline breast implants what could it be?

Go to a doctor

How do you inject saline into breasts to enlarge?

never do that. have a doctor do it. that's like implants, but instead of silicon its saline. would you put your own implants in?? i don't think so...

How can you find a dentist that specializes in implants?

To find a dentist that specializes in implants you can ask your doctor for a referral. You can also go to Dentistry Implant Directory where you can find local dentists.

Is it illegal to send emails pretending to be a doctor if the doctor is your friend and knows about it?

Yes because you re pretending to be someone That your not.. & that is illegal.

What can a doctor do for dead nerves in the legs?

Give bionic implants, though those are quite pricey

Is it illegal for a doctor to pray with a patient?


Which type of doctor specializes in breast implants?

A plastic surgeon specializes in breast implants, breast reductions and breast lifts. They are also responsible for performing other cosmetic and corrective surgeries.

Will the 11th Doctor die?

Eventually yes, he will regenerate into the twelfth Doctor.

Drug testing by Doctor without patient knowledge?

That (I'm a doctor) is illegal. Report the doctor to the DEA.