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The most common resistance against slavery in the 19th century was abolitionism in the north. Many women of the north were abolitionist and expected their rights to be improved as well as the slaves when the time came.

If slave masters increased workloads, provided meager rations, or punished too severely, slaves registered their displeasure by slowing work, feigning illness, breaking tools, or sabotaging production. These everyday forms of resistance vexed slave masters, but there was little they could do to stop them without risking more widespread breaks in production

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Q: What was the most common form of resistance against slavery?
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The effective form of organized colonial resistance against the Stamp Act?

Nonimportation Agreements

What was the rarest form of slave resistance?

Organized Rebellion

What were some of the proslaverly arguments?

Proslavery arguments were based on the notion that slavery was a necessary part of the economy and a "positive good" for slaves. Those who supported slavery argued that it was a beneficial institution providing economic stability and protection for the slaves. Some of the most common proslavery arguments included: Slavery was beneficial to the slaves providing them with a secure and stable life protection and basic needs like food clothing and shelter. Slavery provided economic stability for the slave-owning class. Slavery was a necessary evil for the continuation of the Southern economy. Slavery was a natural way of life and the slaves were better off in servitude than in a free society. Slavery was a form of punishment for people who had done wrong in the past. Slavery was a form of "divine mandate" from God.Ultimately proslavery arguments were attempts to justify the institution of slavery and to refute any moral or ethical objections to it.

What was the most common form of slaves resistance in this era?

To give you a correct answer we need the era. You could be asking about ancient Rome.

How did slaves resist the peculiar institution?

Slaves developed several ways to resist slavery in the South. Many were able to escape and flee to the North or into Canada using the Underground Railroad. Another form of resistance involved slowing down their work although this often resulted in whippings and other punishment. They resisted slavery through a type of code that only they understood, often in the songs they sang.

Related questions

What is it called making a stand against slavery by doing something that is not allowed?

That is called civil disobedience. It involves intentionally breaking laws or rules as a form of protest against unjust policies or practices, such as slavery, in order to bring attention to the issue and push for change.

What is insurrectionary resistance?

it is a form of active resistance against others e.g poisoning and attacking them

Are you for or against slavery?

I am against slavery in any form. Slavery is a violation of human rights and goes against the principles of equality and freedom. It is important to advocate for the abolition of slavery and support efforts to eradicate this grave injustice.

Which is the most common form of writing for blacks during slavery time?


Which was the most common form of writing for blacks during slavery time?


Was the Underground Railroad a conflict?

The Underground Railroad was a form of non-violent resistance to the institution of slavery by helping slaves escape to freedom.

What was a common form of religious expression for slaves?

A common form of religious expression for slaves was through blending African spiritual traditions with Christianity, often adopting spiritual practices such as ring shouts, spirituals, and other forms of worship that provided a sense of community, hope, and resistance against oppression.

The effective form of organized colonial resistance against the Stamp Act?

Nonimportation Agreements

What was the most common form of resistance by slaves to the masters' wishes was?

One common form of resistance by slaves to masters' wishes was passive resistance, such as feigning illness, breaking tools, or working slowly. Another form was more overt acts of rebellion, such as running away or organizing slave revolts.

What multifaceted form of exercise combine stretching with movement against resistance and involves the use of equipment with pulleys and springs or devices such as resistance bands?


Why did white abolitionists used the arts as a form of protest against slavery?

In 1839, an anti-slavery society was formed, the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, which worked to outlaw slavery in other countries and also to pressure the government.

Is resistance the weight a person can lift?

Weights can provide one form of resistance. But in terms of exercising, resistance means anything that makes you work harder. Pushing against an immovable object, such as a wall (isometric exercise) provides resistance, as does pulling against a thick rubber band (Bowflex and similar exercise machines). Even walking or running uphill can be considered resistance, as you're fighting the pull of gravity against your own body.