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It wasn't a law, it was an amendment, the thirteenth amendment

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9mo ago

The law that freed the slaves in the United States was the Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863. It declared that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be freed.

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Who was the last state to free the slaves?

Mississippi is the last state that freed the slaves in the United States. Mississippi actually did not ratify the law that freed the slaves.

How old where slaves when they got set free?

Slaves did not receive their freedom upon reaching a certain age. They were freed when a law was passed or a war was lost and all slaves in a given area were freed at the same time.

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Dan felt resentful before slaves were freed due to a law

How many freed slaves remain on the farm where they had worked as slaves?

There are no freed slaves remaining on the farm where they had worked as slaves. After emancipation, freed slaves were free to leave the farms where they were enslaved.

Who were slaves in the South freed by?

the slaves in the south were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.

Who is the lady who freed slaves?

Harriet Tubman, freed many slaves in the 1800s.

How did freed slaves return to Africa?

what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.

How did Abe get rid of slavery?

the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves during the civil war in southern states that was conquered by the union but it only freed the salves in the south. the 14th amendment was the law that freed the slaves. but that was after Lincoln was assassinated so Lincoln was not the one to free the salves

What country was founded by freed slaves?

Liberia is largely populated by freed slaves

Number of slaves freed in the south?

almost 4 million slaves been freed

Why was the American colonization society founded?

to make a homeland for freed slaves in Africa

Who freed the slavies?

Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves