Slaves made close ties with each other and would celebrate religious spirituals
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Are you serious. They're black because they originally came from Africa. The dominicans they share the island with weren't brought there by slavery, they're native to the island and known as Indians. I think haitians were brought to the island by slavery. Just so you know there's no such thing as races there's only one as we're all the same, we all originated as black people. Every "race" has it's own DNA that makes it white, Asian, etc but also has black DNA. That prooves we're all black. I'm white & Irish but really I'm black. We all look different due to where we settled after we left Africa. If every person on the planet went back to Africa after so many yrs or so many generations all babies born would be black. Mind blowing isn't it. If you don't know this the proof's out there, get to a library or go online. You're question should be how come we're not all black
Though this fact goes against the usual story told today, originally the fact is, many African parents sold their own child or children into bondage for a number of reasons including poverty and lack of food in the immediate area or region. When sailing ships came by, these "sales" occurred. This is a well-known fact of history, though it gets buried in today's story of black slavery. (The same thing occurred after the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia between 1805-1815. After the major eruptions, food crops were wiped out. Parents sold their children to passing ships just to get food. Whole families 'willingly' entered being owned by Whites just so the Indonesian people could get away from the stricken area.)However, Whites-colonizers already had a colonizing and conquering mentality. They were not aversive to taking slaves--after all, slavery, which is power over a less popular or less powerful group of people, has occurred in many civilizations throughout history and all ancient civilizations. Along that line, White sailors who used to take children the parents sold for food or money then began to enact slavery even when the parents did not desire to sell their children.By this point, the type of African slavery described today began. Whites took men, women, children, or whole families against their wills. When British, French, and Spanish colonized America, the elite Whites began to believe they were entitled to slavery. As the US South developed into farming, especially cotton, Whites believed they economically needed African slaves to do the work --both in White plantation homes and in the fields.While some people in the North (northeast US) did originally own slaves and the North was primarily agriculture, the practice of slavery boomed in the South even long after most Northerners had freed their slaves. Southern plantation owners believed their plantations would fail without the free labor.So the story told today about Black slavery origins 'forgets' this piece about how the sale of Africans truly began. There is no shame in the true story---it was simply a fact that when people had no food, they went to desperate means to make sure their children survived. That Whites then used their power to force Africans into slavery is true---but White-power was not how African slavery started.Anyone willing to study history of civilizations will find these are the facts: Slavery began from desperation of circumstances on the African continent that forced parents to choose to sell their children in exchange for money / something of value, or for food. Whites simply took advantage of these circumstances....and much later, began to simply take people against their wills.NOTE: While "slavery" is the primary word used today, originally even Whites were "indentured" to other Whites, even from Anglo-Saxon groups coming from Europe (first Britain, then Wales, Ireland, etc.). Indenturehood was a form of limited slavery in which one male "owned" the life and livelihood of another person. White people were often made Indentured Servants for a decade to several decades (or lifetime) to pay off their debt to the "Master"/owner, including debts owed from life in their native country. Many settlers also could not afford passage to come to the US---and so, became the property of another richer White who paid their way here. So US history followed a British-colonizing pattern of making the poorest, most uneducated people (Whites) work for or on behalf of rich and more educated White elite. Black slavery in the US came from this same mentality, but for Blacks it often meant lifetime bondage.
In African societies, griots are the keepers of oral history and tradition, passing down stories through generations. Kunta Kinte is a central figure in Alex Haley's book "Roots," which traces the author's ancestry back to Kinte's capture and enslavement. The griot would know about Kunta Kinte because his story is a powerful tale of resistance against slavery and a symbol of the enduring spirit of African heritage.
They mostly used caves.
The word "hominid" refers to any member of the family Hominidae, which includes humans and their extinct ancestors. Another word that means the same thing as hominid is "great ape."
is their families
Certainly not for those enslaved. It should be remembered that slavery still exists today It made economic sense for those that enslaved people. Morally it was and remains indefensible.
The main reason that slaves did not give up at that time is probably hope for their families.
Southern slave owners defended slavery by arguing that it was necessary for maintaining the economy and way of life in the South. They claimed that slavery was justified biblically and scientifically, portraying enslaved people as inferior and in need of guidance and discipline. They also used legal and political justifications to protect their property rights in enslaved individuals.
Going back to the beginning of civilization, most slaves through history were not black. 'White' people have been enslaved by millions and millions, from Greek and Roman times until well into the 19th century in Russia. In most Arab and Asian countries slavery was endemic, with many countries holding millions of their countrymen as slaves until long after the end of black slavery by countries like England, France and the USA. The transatlantic slave trade (although big in numbers) was only a small part of the slave trade of Africans by Africans. The major reason given around 1890 for colonization in Africa was 'putting an end to slavery', since local rulers could not be brought to do it otherwise. It was in fact the first thing that (in most cases) France and Britain did after colonizing an African country.
Slavery in Delaware was similar to other Southern states, with African Americans being enslaved for agricultural work on farms and plantations. Delaware had more lenient slave laws compared to other states, such as allowing enslaved individuals to learn to read and write. Emancipation in Delaware began before the Civil War, with gradual abolition leading to the end of slavery in 1865.
The goal of abolitionists was to end the institution of slavery and secure freedom and equal rights for all enslaved people. They believed that slavery was morally wrong and fought for its abolition through political, social, and sometimes militant means.
because the collonists took every thing that africans had
In his House Divided Speech, Lincoln stated his belief that the nation could not remain partly free and partly enslaved, that it must become all one thing or the other. He believed that slavery divided the nation in an unproductive way.
I dont know but i know why the colonists begin moving to the backcountry by the middle 1700s it's because the backcountry is the name that these colonists gave to the rugged land near the appalachian mountains.
No slavery is a terrible thing
The south wanted to keep slavery to keep their economy going as opposed to doing the right thing and setting salves free. This is how the conflict started!