Certainly not for those enslaved. It should be remembered that slavery still exists today
It made economic sense for those that enslaved people.
Morally it was and remains indefensible.
slaves were the most important things in the slave trade
Economically, slavery was a boon to many. First, African tribesmen captured other blacks and sold them to European slave traders. The capturers benefited financially from these transactions by receiving gold, silver, weapons, etc... The slave traders loaded up shiploads of slaves and sold them to slave owners, receiving money in return. The slave owners benefited from slave labor for the life of the slave without having to pay a salary.
slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade
The British were the dominant nation of the slave trade.
The international slave trade ended /apex
Slave families were separated, and members were sold to other plantations.
slaves were the most important things in the slave trade
There are no similarities. The slave trade was a vile thing, but not a deadly disease like the plague or Black Death as it was called.
slave trade
They had financial benefits and slaves were a good trade commodity.
It was a very good thing
Economically, slavery was a boon to many. First, African tribesmen captured other blacks and sold them to European slave traders. The capturers benefited financially from these transactions by receiving gold, silver, weapons, etc... The slave traders loaded up shiploads of slaves and sold them to slave owners, receiving money in return. The slave owners benefited from slave labor for the life of the slave without having to pay a salary.
Yes. They made the slaves do their work. YOU ROCK! lol
Commerce and slave trade compromise
Slave families were split up and sold as part of the domestic slave trade.
Thomas Clarkson researched a lot about the slave trade and then also joined a campaign to stop the slave trade. Both him and William Wilberforce, who were also good friends, worked about trying to solve the troubles of the slave trade. Thomas Clarkson also painted pictures so that people can see what it was like.