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This is a very subjective question. Depending on the age of the children the types of toys would change. Also gender would play a role. Some possible toys are cars, dolls, doll houses, balls, and coloring books.

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Q: What types of toys would one want in a playroom?
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if yo want baby educational toys idk but u can go buy games and toys everywhere and they are educational!!!!

Could you please explain what the Furby Boom is and what it does?

There are different types of Furby Boom toys but one thing is for sure: they are not only stuffed animals. If you want more information about the product you can find them on Toys R Us' website.

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I would like both but you choose what you want to do it would also matter on prices.

Is target or Toys R Us better?

Well it all depends on what you want to buy and how much for. If you want to buy a awesome gift then defintley Toys R Us, but to warn you the store isn't cheap but it is worth it. If you want to by a nice or awesome gift for a good price then Target is your place. If you just want to by things in general Target as everything you need which is the down fall of Toys R Us because they only sell toys. Sometimes Toys R Us is farther than your own location. If it was my opinion I would say I probably wouuld like Toys R Us better, but again Target is the cheaper and has more than toys so I would go with Target.