It depends if he was caught cheating before or after, if before then dont marry him, if after, he's just a jerk and you should dump him.
To prove a ring is commutative, one must show that for any two elements of the ring their product does not depend on the order in which you multiply them. For example, if p and q are any two elements of your ring then p*q must equal q*p in order for the ring to be commutative. Note that not every ring is commutative, in some rings p*q does not equal q*p for arbitrary q and p (for example, the ring of 2x2 matrices).
Ring is to sting as bee is to tree (or see or any other rhyming word).
I have a very old gold colored ring with a clear stone that has fs 4 k inside? what does that mean? what could the stone be? It is not a diamond but the Gold is real and looks like my 14 k ring..
you both have to agree to it, and then he gives you a ring (you can get it in the nx shop).
a watch or neckless
I think that he wants to be able to surprise you with a ring when you are least expecting it.
A promise ring is an indication of a future serious commitment from your boyfriend. He intends to make you his wife in the future and that ring is to remind you of his promise to you
He has a boyfriend - Simon Halls. I think they are married. Matt wears a wedding ring but not sure if they are legally married or if it is a commitment ring.
i think They are real. But many people say they are not. but i think it is real and They have A COUPLE RING .
i would dump his sorry butt because he is really just cheating on u and if she gave him a ring then he might just break up with u soon
A promise ring, also known as a pre-engagement ring, is given to a boyfriend or girlfriend for the purpose to signify a promise to marry their boyfriend/girlfriend. It precedes an actual engagement ring, but shows some commitment in the relationship.
i think so, if he thinks that its just a thoughtless present he clearly didn't think about the impact a promise ring would have, unless, its you you assumed it was a promise ring, did he just give it as a presant or call it a promise ring.
I think any kind of ring is wonderful. Just knowing that they tried to get you something special is awesome to think about. I love it when my boyfriend does little things like that cause he proves to me everyday that he loves me. Ask yourself would you rather have the ring that he specially got for you or nothing at all.
link doesn't propose to amber he gives her a ring that symbolizes there officially boyfriend and girlfriend its a thing they used to do back in the 60s
An engagement ring! <3