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Kritika pleash ur number i miss u i love u

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Q: What to text when you greet your friend?
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How do you greet a female friend in Italian?

The way to greet a female friend in Italian is Ciao!("Hello!"), which also works for a male friend.

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What do you say when you greet a friend?

Umm obviusly ur a smarta$$ bcuz era body knos how to greet ur friend by saying wahts up sexi!?!?

Your friend texted you or your friend text you?

It's your friend text you!! xHope i was helpful :D xx

How do you say hello long lost friend?

You can say "Hello, long lost friend" to greet a friend you haven't seen in a while.

What to do if your friend says he cannot text you but he starts texting your best friend?

Unfortunately, your friend is not as good a friend as you think because if they can text your best friend then there is no reason they can't text you. Even though it hurts you ignore this friend and a wise decision would be to drop this friend and find a new one and that goes for your best friend as well as it sounds like something is going on where they want to leave you out of their text messaging.

How do you greet a friend's father in Italian?

The way to greet a friend's father in Italian includes Buon giorno, Signore! Come sta Lei? ("Good day, Sir! How are you?" or È un piacere conoscerla, Signore! ("It's a pleasure to know you, Sir!").

Why can you text your friend but she cant text you?

Because of missing her a lot

What do you do when all your friend wants to do is text and ignore you?

find a new friend

What app can you text your friend from off your IPod and computer?

you can do that in text app free

What do you do if you miss your best friend?

Facetime or text them

What does tf mean in text?

True Friend