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comfort him and tell him its gonna be ok and that youll always be there for him

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Q: What to tell a boyfriend when his parents are fighting?
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How do you tell your boyfriend you want him to meet your parents?

You just tell him

How do you tell your parents about your boyfriend?

Just say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!!AnswerJust say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!! Don't hide it. A boyfriend is something that shouldn't be hidden. If you are to scared to tell your parents, then what's the point about a boyfriend. Parents then boyfriends

What if your sister has a boyfriend and my parents dont no?

Well, if you know that she has a boyfriend that's great. But never let your parents know. Let your sister tell them. Talk with your sister and convince her to tell your parents.

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How do you get a boyfriend without your parents knowing about it?

Don't tell them.

How do I convince my parents about my boyfriend whose younger to me?

Tell them, it's better than an older boyfriend. Ask the age difference between your parents and relate it to you and your boyfriend.

Do you have to tell your parents about having a boyfriend?

If you're a good daughter, you have

How do you tell your parents you're moving in with your boyfriend?

Just tell them! They're your parents, they should understand by now that you're old enough to move in with you boyfriend. But if your parents are super strict and you're sure that they won't approve of it, then forget about it.

If someone is fighting who would you tell?

Depending on who the person is fighting. ( how serious or not serious it is ). School fight you tell the principle or your parents, maybe even the people who are fighting parents. If it is serious then yes tell the national guard, or police, fbi, depending which country you live in! There is alot you can do. And alot of people you can tell.

How would you handle the situation if your boyfriend gets you in trouble with your parents?

You should dump him or tell on his parents.

How do you tell your parents youhave a boyfriend at 12 years old?

You don't...

Should you introduce your parents to your boyfriend read discussion?

you should only introduce your boyfriend to your parents if its a serios relationship if not then dont even bother. If you want instead you colud just tell them you have a boyfriend