If a guy says he is bored over Facebook and you like him, it could be that he is trying to get away from someone, or is truly bored with it. Perhaps one should consider asking to meet face to face instead of always communicating in bytes and bits.
it says hes desperate and needy Well, it could be that or it could be that he has just gotten bored with whatever he was doing and thought of you as entertainment, (believe me it happens).
hes calling you pretty or he likes you
hes says "hi" and is asking if you like Pokemon if you say yes hes says "i agree" if you say no he'll be all like "then why the heck do you have a Pokemon game!"
If hes ugly you say no way! and just ignore it. If not, you say ok....... then ask him if its true and if he says yes say you like him too then he will probably ask you out!!
I think he's just playing around.
I would say that the guy would be using you as a rebound. I would never date a guy that just broke up with someone.
It probably is, however, it all really depends on the situation. What kind of game for example. However, id say about 90% of me says its flirting, 10% says hes not.
If you mean the guy in the Veilstone Department Store, 5FL, then nothing. He just says that but even if you talk to him with something to drink, he will stay say he's thirsty.
Why not!
When he's walking or dating??
Kyle is a professionable SKATE BORDER. hes gonna teach ayline how to skate bored. Spencer is his bestfreind. hes currently dating lauryn; <3 and hes hot. say lauryn..<3