happiness.I recommend giving it a soothe bell and taking it to the massage lady in veilstone city every day.
vulpix is not in Pokemon platinum version.
Yes creselia is is in Pokemon Platinum.
you go to the 5th floor in the veilstone department store that's what i think because i have platinum
The ID For Pokemon Platinum(USA) CPUE d074d1b3
do like Pokemon
It is the warehouse in veilstone city.
There is no GBA version only DS and on DS it is in the Galactic warehouse near the entrance to veilstone city.
go to veilstone and with an empty slot in the party talk to the guy in the house behind the Pokemon center
in veilstone city where it is in diamond
you need to have been to lake acuity and then the team galatic headquaters in veilstone city.
happiness.I recommend giving it a soothe bell and taking it to the massage lady in veilstone city every day.
the gym is in wait next time type in which version becase diamond pearl and platinum are different d/p veilstone city platinum hearthome.
either go to mt mortar or trade one from diamond, pearl, or platinum version at the road to veilstone city (that was how i got mine)
vulpix is not in Pokemon platinum version.
Yes creselia is is in Pokemon Platinum.
in the galatic building in veilstone city!