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Hi there. A girl is most likely not to get pregnant during the time she is having her period. But unprotected sex at ANY TIME does always have a risk of pregnancy with it whether its a very low risk to very high risk (During your fertile period). The only chance of preventing pregnancy is by using a form of contraception and a condom. Take care of yourself and recommend me if I've helped you.

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Q: What time during the month is a girl most likely to not get pregnant?
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What days of the month cant a girl get pregnant?

There are no days of a month where a girl is guranteed to not get pregnant

Is just after your period the time when a girl is least likely to become pregnant?

The least likely time to get pregnant is DURING your period. After that, it's a crap-shoot.

Can a girl get pregnant when they are on the rag?

Yes it is possible for the girl to get pregnant if during her period. Having un-protected sex can cause pregnancy. However the girl is most likely to become pregnant in between the end of her period until the start of it.

When is the girl likely to get pregnant during her cycle?

A girl is likely to get pregnant during her ovulation period the ovulation period is when the egg is able to be fertilized . It is different for every woman when she is able to ovulate based on the time you get your period online calculators can give you the approximate time you will ovulate .

What happends if a two month pregnant girl gets hit in the stomache?

They get STD's and DIE. most likely get a miscarriage. and you cant get an std that way

How many days girl can get pregnant?

a few days a month.

Why is menstrual flow a sign that a girl can be pregnant?

Flow is a sign that the girl is not pregnant yet, but ovulating, or producing eggs every month. These eggs can be fertilized, and she can become pregnant.

Can a girl get a girl pregnant during her period?

Yeah. It happened to me.

Is a girl pregnant if they miss one period but get it the following month?

Not pregnant, but get a professional opinion about the reasons for missed periods.

How long does it take to know if a girl is pregnant?

one month or two will suffice

Win is a girl less likely to get pregnant?

She's least likely when she's having her period.

Can a girl get pregnant a month after she has intercourse?

Not from the intercourse she had a month earlier. Sperms live 3-5 days inside a woman.