Not from the intercourse she had a month earlier. Sperms live 3-5 days inside a woman.
Ask her to have intercourse.
There are no days of a month where a girl is guranteed to not get pregnant
Pregnancy results from sexual intercourse.
The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.
If you get your period you aren't pregnant.
by having a sexual intercourse with a man(obviously), a girl can be pregnant. The egg cell is not located in our trachea so it is impossible for a girl to get pregnant by driniking sperm.
When a guy does not use a condom during sexual intercourse.
no of coarse not it happen during sexual intercourse
Yes, because it is only there that she can release an egg and if during ovulation she had an intercourse there is a chance of getting pregnant.
You may be pregnant If you have had sexual intercourse without protection. If you have had sexual intercourse, buy a pregnancy test. If you are still a virgin, your menstruation has just delayed.
A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).
a few days a month.