Unless you are in a life or death/survival situation, NEVER SHOOT AMMUNITION THAT IS NOT DESIGNED FOR YOUR WEAPON!!!!!!!!!!!
you can shoot standard 38 special rounds out of a firearm marked for 38 special +p
38 Special; yes.
it does shoot the 38 spl cartridge.............
No, you cannot.
No, you cannot.
Your Rossi revolver fires the .38 special cartridge.
The .38 Special can fire .38 Special, or .38 Long Colt. It cannot fire the .38 S&W, which is fatter and shorter.
A .38 Special can shoot the cartridge marked "38 Short Colt". It CANNOT shoot what many people CALL a .38 Short- which is the .38 S&W. The .38 S&W in not only shorter than the Special, it is fatter. The 2 do not interchange.
No. 38 Special only.
NO,NO,NO,NO,NO.........you CANNOT shoot the 357 cartridge in a 38 special, but you can shoot a 38 special cartridge in a 357 pistol.................the 38 cal. cylinder was not made to house the 357 cartridge or take the pressure.............