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you ask around and see if people know of anything of the certain person and who's he dating. if the people don't know then ask the guy questions

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Q: What should you do when your suspicious of your boyfriend cheating?
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Should you forgive your boyfriend for cheating on you with your sister?

If you can forgive your sister, you can forgive your boyfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stay with your boyfriend. Cheating is cheating and if that is not acceptable to you, you should find someone who will respect that wish.

What should i do if i found out that my best friends boyfriend is cheating on her?

You should tell your friend that he is cheating its best that she knows.

When the boy tells you he isn't cheating but someone else is cheating what should you do?

You obviously have some knowledge that your boyfriend may well cheat on you. However, some young women are jealous and may feel their boyfriend is cheating because they may have heard from one or more of their girlfriends that their boyfriends have cheated leaving you feeling vulnerable and therefore you are suspicious of your boyfriend. He may well not be cheating on you at all and if you don't catch him red handed there isn't much you can do about it. If he is innocent then his statement that he knows someone else who is cheating could very well be true and you should have asked who it was and this will give you the opportunity to tell him you ever caught him cheating that you would break up with him for good.

What should you do if you think your boyfriend is cheating?

if u think ur bf is cheating on you and then he will have a fit about it.

Why do men act suspicious if they are not cheating?

because they're cheating!

What if your boyfriend moved and these 2 chicks said that he is cheating on me should i believe my boyfriend or the chicks who i never met?

your boyfriend

When is your boyfriend cheating?

The only way you will know if and where your boyfriend is cheating is either ask him straight out (he may lie about it) or, take a girlfriend with you on an evening he should be with you and follow him.

What should you do if you know that your boyfriend cheating on you?

Address him about it face to face.

Should you break up with your boyfriend cat?

Yes, and I'm ashamed on you for cheating on your boyfriend with his cat.

When you know your boyfriend is cheating on you with girl you know what should you do?

You should tell the other girl and both break up with your boyfriend.

What should you do if your boyfriend was cheating?

stay with him forever. its his way of showing that he loves you.

You think your boyfriend was cheating on you how can you find out if he was or not and should you dump him?

well ask one of your friends to ask him if he was cheating on you and if not then it was probably just a rumor or something but if he was cheating on you then u should totally dump him